Joys of Summer

Are you enjoying your summer?
School ended on June 28th. On the 29th I took one of our sons for dental surgery. The surgery itself was fine, but the anesthesia took its toll. My son asked for a milk shake. While I was in the Wendy’s drive through he started groaning and whining. A few seconds later, the contents of my son’s stomach were on the seat beside him. I had no extra clothes, and no plastic container, no water, no wipes. Thus began a LONG trip home with several more “events” of a similar nature. Sometimes I managed to pull over to the side of the road in time, and sometimes I did not 🙁
On the brighter side, we have been enjoying 7 adorable kittens. Here are a few pictures for your enjoyment, compliments of my daughter, Grace.

Adorable! 🙂