Christmas Celebrations: What’s Truly Important?

Usually I’m one of those super organized people who has a Christmas letter written by the first of December, Christmas baking done by the second week of December, Christmas shopping completed…you get the picture.
This has been a different December for me in several ways. None of the usual preparation was completed. In fact, it is now December 24th and we still do not have a Christmas tree. We have Christmas presents, but they’re still waiting to be wrapped – on the 27th! A couple of life events derailed all the usual plans. The first event was an abscessed tooth. I’m happy to report the problem was solved when my tooth was pulled. However, I lost almost three weeks of “productive” time. Then last week our oldest daughter became disoriented and hit her head hard enough to give herself a concussion. A trip to emergency stole another day of precious time.
I have found myself carefully evaluating what Christmas is all about in a new way. Our celebrations have been simplified, but have been just as meaningful, if not more so. After all, Christmas is not about letters, decorations, or even gifts. Christmas is about remembering the most amazing gift God gave when He sent His only son into the world to give His life so that you and I can be saved from eternal separation from Him. The most important preparation I can make is internal, not external. I’m ready to celebrate. Are you?