4 Ways to Repurpose Content as a Writer

Recently I was able to participate in the online eBook Publishing Boot Camp organized by D’vorah Lansky. I shared my personal response to the boot camp on the InScribe Writers Online blog. Some information from the first session is included on the InScribe blog. The second session, eBook Editing for Maximum Profits, was presented by David Perdew. For more information, check out MyNAMS system, a training system for people doing online business.
In his workshop, David Perdew explained how to take the content from a book you have written, repurpose it, and make it available in different formats that will encourage people to buy either additional products or your actual book. He used the image of a wheel with the hub being your book, and the spokes representing all kinds of additional content you can create from the book.
Split your book up into individual reports, using each chapter as a report. (This should give you 5-10 reports) These reports can be posted to Scribd.
- Make several articles out of each chapter and post them to Ezine.
- Pull quotes (approximately 100) out of your book. (If you use MS Word, you can highlight the quotes, then pull them out into a separate document.) Use these quotes for Tweets (which can be scheduled using Tweet Later, HootSuite, or Buffer) and also to make into images that you can share on Facebook.
- Make 2 minute videos from each chapter highlighting a problem, who it affects, the symptoms, how you diagnose the problem, and the solution. These videos can be made using Powerpoint and Camtasia or Animoto.
David Perdew says, “If you’re using short posts, short articles that you want to do on Facebook, start scheduling those posts. Get those things out there. They’re not doing you any good if you don’t get the content created and distributed.”
Make sure each report, article, quote, image, or video, is posted on the usual social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Linked In, pointing people back to your website where they can purchase your products.
Do you have other ideas about repurposing the content of a book?
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