Saying “Yes” to God – A Soul Longing for More

ImageThis week I started participating in the Online Bible Study “What Happens When Women Say Yes to God” through Proverbs 31 Ministries. Lysa challenged us to consider the answers to the following questions:

  • What are some actions steps you can take each day to become more aware of God’s presence?
  • How can you intentionally pursue God even in the middle of “life’s mundane activities?

The action steps that I’m choosing are:

  1. Stopping for a few moments when I wake up each morning to acknowledge God’s presence and ask for His guidance. “Yes, God, I’m listening to you and ready to do what you ask me today.”
  2. Choosing to seize the moments throughout each day when I’m tempted to go my own way and follow God’s leading instead.

So how can I acknowledge God in the midst of the mundane activities? I have many opportunities in my roles of mother to five children, wife, and community member.

  1. When my kids are bickering and I’m tempted to yell and get upset, I can choose a soft voice as I deal with the situation.
  2. When my husband is working instead of spending time with me and I’m tempted to roll over and give him the cold shoulder when he comes to bed, I can choose instead to welcome him with a smile and ask him how his day went.
  3. When someone drops by unexpectedly while I’m working on a project and I’m tempted to send them on their way as quickly as possible, I can choose to be sensitive to God’s spirit and listen as long as they want to talk, encouraging them with my nods and words.
  4. When my kids act up in church while I’m trying to lead a worship service, I can remember what it’s like to be a child and gently correct them after the service is over.

What about you? Will you join me in saying “yes” to God?



  1. Marilyn on August 7, 2013 at 1:47 pm

    Loved the questions here “What are some actions steps you can take each day to become more aware of God’s presence?””How can you intentionally pursue God even in the middle of “life’s mundane activities?” Great to pray about and ponder on and then your answer thanks for sharing this today.

    • Ruth L. Snyder on August 8, 2013 at 11:18 am

      Thanks for stopping by, Marilyn. I appreciate your encouragement.

  2. Katrina Wylie (FB Small Group Leader) on August 8, 2013 at 8:15 am

    Hello Ruth! So glad you’re saying #YestoGod with OBS and that you’ve linked up to the hop! Your steps are not only great, but they are very clear. Your second set of steps in particular are great reminders to us all of how we can apply saying yes to God in our every day mundane tasks. Awesome! I have no doubt that by sticking with these you are going to experience God’s radical blessing in your life through this study. #PalmsUp!

    • Ruth L. Snyder on August 8, 2013 at 11:19 am

      Thanks for your comments, Katrina. I’m really enjoying this study and the interaction with others.

  3. Cherri DeMoss on August 8, 2013 at 11:00 am

    Hello Ruth! I really enjoyed reading your blog. It is inspiring to be reminded that even in the little things that we do that we can acknowledge God and His presence in our lives, even down to showing grace to our children when we are feeling frustrated. I know that I will be putting some of these things into practice into my life as a way of pursuing God in my daily life and seeking Him throughout my day. May God bless you abundantly throughout this time of study! #PalmsUp!

    • Ruth L. Snyder on August 8, 2013 at 11:19 am

      Hi Cherri, I’m glad you found my post helpful. Usually it’s the small choices that make a big difference. God’s blessings on you too 🙂

  4. Joyce on August 8, 2013 at 7:33 pm

    Yes, I am saying #yestogod!! Thanks for you post!

    • Ruth L. Snyder on August 8, 2013 at 7:55 pm

      Thanks for stopping by, Joyce! I’m so glad that you’re saying #yes to God!!


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