Psalm 81:10 – Continuing to Say “Yes, God!”

This past week in our online Bible study, we took a look at Psalm 81:10
“I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt. Open wide your mouth and I will fill it.”
Lysa asked us to consider why it’s important for us to remember that the Lord is our God. Here’s my response: If God is our Lord, He is our master and owns everything we “own”. He also controls everything we do.
Next, we were asked what it means personally that He is our God, who has been faithful throughout our journey and delivered us. My response: God is always with me and always has the best in mind for me. Nothing I experience is out of His control.
Then, we were asked what opening ourselves up to Him fully means. My response: I need to give Him complete control of all I am, do, and own. He can’t fully fill me if I hold onto anything.
As I was doing my studying this week, I felt God prompting me to give a gift to a lady who has been difficult to work with on a community project. I don’t know this lady well and I have no idea what types of things she enjoys. However, I told God that if that’s what He wanted me to do, I would do it. As I walked through the gift section of a local store, I asked God to show me the gift that He wanted me to give this lady. He did. I had a few more errands to do in town.
While I was doing them, I ended up dropping my brand new (one day old!) cell phone into water. (It’s a long story!) My phone fizzled and died. I was already tired, struggling emotionally, and now this. I knew I had a choice to make. Was I going to let circumstances and people get me down? Or was I going to say, “Yes, God – no matter what, no matter when, no matter why”? As I struggled and prayed, the Lord reminded me that He was with me, and that my cell phone was just a “thing”. People are much more important to God and should be to me too. I said, “Okay, God. I don’t know what your purpose is in all this, but I put my cell phone in your hands. I know you can make it work again. But if you choose not to, that’s Okay.”
The lady I gave the gift to was overwhelmed and very happy to receive it. The smile on her face was worth all the struggle I went through. When I arrived home and told my husband about my phone, he suggested I put it in our oven at a very low temperature for a few hours. Long story short, my phone has been restored to me and I’ve been reminded (again!) of God’s faithfulness.
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Excellent analogy God cannot fill me up if I hold on to anything..We need to give God complete control..enjoyed your blog,, blessings to you.
Thanks for stopping by, Lynn. Yes, we need to give God complete control, but it’s hard!!!
Awesome post of saying Yes to God and obeying what He wanted you to do. Glad to hear you got your phone working again. God wants us to pray about everything and leave it to Him even a cell phone. We sometimes forget that God say pray for the small as well as the big things of life. God is faithful for sure. Blessings my friend as God leads you.
Marilyn (OBS Group Leader)
Thanks for your encouragement and leadership, Marilyn. Following God and saying yes are much easier when we are here for eachother!
Oh, I have been there! I once flushed a phone down the toilet. Though my response was not very Christ-like. This is a good lesson! 🙂
Thank you for stopping by my blog, #PalmsUp
Ruth – I am trying to wrap my brain around the fact that you were able to put a cell phone in the over at ANY temperature and have it not explode!! 🙂 I was encouraged by your responses. And I remember, all over again, that we are called to be obedient – even when we don’t understand why. I pray He continues to bless those Yeses of yours!
🙂 Missy (FB Small Group Leader)
Lol! Missy, I had the same reaction when my husband first told me. He put my phone on a wooden cutting board and set the oven at 150 with the door open and the fan on. I’m just thankful it worked 🙂
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Keep saying yes!
Encouraging words for me as well! THANK YOU~ for your obedience, and show how merciful God is – all the time!
Thanks for stopping by, Donna. I appreciate the support and encouragement I’ve received through this Bible study!
Great post!