5 Choices that help me in my walk with God


Come, Thou Fount has been one of my favorite hymns for a long time. I guess I appreciate it because it describes my struggle to follow the Lord. Walking with God STARTS with one decision, but after that, I need to continuously choose, every day, even every moment of the day, to follow God. Otherwise I drift away. It’s like I have an automatic setting to do my own thing that overrides everything else, unless I choose.

In my walk with God, I continue to find ways to encourage or force myself to grow spiritually. Here are a few things I’ve found helpful:

  1. Setting aside a specific time for Bible reading and prayer. I’ve found that if I don’t make this a priority, it doesn’t happen.
  2. Getting up early. I’m a morning person, so it’s easier for me to focus when I get up. My alarm usually rings at 5:30 on weekday mornings. This allows me to have time by myself with God before anyone else in my family is awake.
  3. Keeping a planner beside my Bible. I find I’m easily distracted by my “to do” list. If I write things down in my planner, I can forget about them and give my full attention to God and His Word.
  4. Writing down lessons learned, prayer requests, etc. My mind wanders easily. Writing things down helps keep me focused. It’s also encouraging to go back and see how God led and taught me in the past.
  5. Using a devotional resource. Over the years I have done a variety of things including: reading through the Bible in a year (Google “Reading through the Bible in a Year” to check out different options), using Our Daily Bread (I now have the app on my iPad), working my way through a book of the Bible and studying verse by verse (using a concordance and doing word studies), participating in online Bible studies (Proverbs 31 Ministries is a great resource for women.)

What about you? What have you found helpful in your spiritual journey?


  1. Janis Cox (@AuthorJanisCox) on January 8, 2014 at 7:47 am

    HI Ruth,
    We sound so much alike – especially easily distracted. I should be getting ready to go to tap but here I am tapping on the computer. I liked all your suggestions. I will try to “write” down what comes in my head. My problem is remembering to read it later.
    I love going through short devotionals in the morning. I have been using Oswald Chambers, Grace Notes by Philip Yancey, and Jesus Calling. Also I read a good non-fiction. Just finished the best one ever – NOT a Fan by Kyle Idleman.

    Blessings on your writing,
    Janis http://www.janiscox.com

    • Ruth L. Snyder on January 8, 2014 at 8:31 am

      Janis, you made me smile with your comment about being easily distracted 🙂 Thanks for mentioning the readings you find helpful. I appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment.


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