3 simple steps to combat the flesh and feed the spirit

In our Proverbs 31 online Bible study of Wendy Blight’s book, Living So That, we are learning many practical things about growing closer to God. For the blog hop this week, we could choose one of four topics. I’m choosing to share how we can combat the flesh and feed the spirit. If you haven’t heard the parable of the two dogs, I would encourage you to read it here.
We just finished celebrating Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection at Easter time. Why did Jesus endure betrayal, false accusations, excruciating physical pain, and unspeakable spiritual suffering? He did it so that you and I could accept His gift of salvation and be set free from the power of sin. If you’ve never taken this step of faith, and want more information, please read The Four Spiritual Laws.
Galatians 2:20 says, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”
Once we accept forgiveness for our sins and have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us, we need to continually follow three steps. At first glance, they are simple. However, that doesn’t mean the steps happen without conscious effort on our part.
1. Choose to say yes to God. Wendy says:
“The more we say yes to spending time with God in His Word, the more we will recognize His voice. The more we recognize His voice, the more we will live in expectation of seeing Him at work. The more we see God at work, the more we will experience Him in our midst. And the more we experience Him, the more we will be able to trust Him in all things. It all starts with saying yes to God’s invitation to meet with Him.”
There are many things that can and will distract us from putting God first in our lives. We can be distracted by family responsibilities, our job, church activities, etc. Did you notice that these are all “good” things? Often we allow good things to crowd out the best. In Matthew 6, we are told we don’t need to worry about what we wear or what we’ll eat or anything else. Instead:
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (vs. 33)
I find that I have to choose to spend time with God first thing in the morning or it doesn’t happen, because I get caught up in the daily activities of life. I would encourage you to find a consistent time when you’re alert to meet with God.
2. Saturate yourself in God’s Word
The Bible has been described as God’s love-letter to mankind. If we don’t read it, study it, and memorize it, we won’t be able to discover who God really is or what He wants us to do. Our memory verse for week two of the study was:
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16, 17 (NIV)
Wendy shares:
“The key to establishing our faith is spending time in God’s Word. We can’t accomplish it by attending worship once a week, by periodically participating in Bible studies, or by watching a televangelist on Sunday mornings. We must commit to reading and studying God’s word for ourselves.”
“God’s Word is our contact with Him. It’s how we hear His voice, discover His direction, receive His correction, and obtain His hope.”
I have found all of these approaches helpful at different stages of my life:
- Read a verse and study it in depth. Check out Heather Bleier’s suggestions on verse mapping.
- Use a devotional such as Our Daily Bread, My Utmost for His Highest, or The Upper Room.
- Study a book of the Bible, such as John, looking for key words or the names used for Jesus
- Read through the Bible in a year. Our Daily Bread has a plan included with the daily devotional. There are many other plans people have put together. Find one that works for you.
3. Pray
Sylvia Gunter defines prayer as, “radically and gloriously encountering God, knowing Him better and loving Him more.”
Wendy reminds us that:
“Prayer is a gift.
Prayer is a privilege.
Prayer is two-way communication with God.
Prayer is a love relationship with the God who created us.
Because of Jesus’ sacrifice, we can ‘approach (God’s) throne of grace with confidence’ (Hebrews 4:16 NIV).”
Whole books have been written on the topic of prayer. At it’s simplest I would say that prayer is talking with God. I have found that if I start my day by focusing on God, it’s much easier to talk with Him throughout the day, no matter where I am or what I’m doing. (Rick Warren says, “Everything you do can be ‘spending time with God’ if he is invited to be a part of it and you stay aware of his presence.” In my last post I shared a call to prayer along with many quotes on prayer. Ask God to teach you how to pray more effectively and see what happens.
Three simple choices. Will you take the first step and choose to meet with God today?

I use that parable with my daughter ! Because of this wonderful study, Living So That, I am learning how to learn from His Word, listen for His voice and apply it to my life – and what an incredible gift!
You’re right, knowing how to study God’s Word, listen to Him, and apply it to our lives is an incredible gift. Let’s keep pursuing God 🙂
Wonderful!! thank you for sharing. Such simple truths, yet we all try to complicate things. God wants to hear from us,wants us to listen to him and live in his word. Amen. and God’s blessings Ruth.
Rosemary, thanks for stopping by. We do try to complicate things, but thankfully God meets us where we’re at and then leads us along the path He has for us. Keep seeking God’s best in your life!
Thanks for sharing Ruth!! Saying yes to God is vital in so many ways!! Praying we all keep feeding the Spirit!! Thanks for giving us suggestions on how to do just that!!
You’re very welcome. I’m glad you found my post helpful. Yes, let’s keep feeding the spirit and starving sin.
I am glad to be reminded that prayer is a gift, a privilege and more. God always listens. He never forgets us. God knows what is best for us and I am thankful to God for that. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by. Isn’t God wonderful? I’m glad He’s our Heavenly Father and He wants to have a personal relationship with us.
Thank you for sharing your post . Prayer is such an awesome gift we have been given by God and how often do we neglect to accept the gift of prayer and use it. Thank you for you’re 3 steps we have to combat the flesh and feed the Spirit . I am so glad God is always there to hear our prayers. Blessings on your day Ruth and the encouragement to always pray and never give up.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Yes, it’s sad how often we neglect prayer. Thanks for the challenge to always pray and never give up. May God continue to strengthen you and use you for His glory.
Great blog. Loved the parable of two dogs.
Thanks for stopping by, Donna. I’m glad you enjoyed the parable. Stories have a way of making a point stick 🙂
Thank you for sharing! Blessings!
I love how you incorporated so many quotes from the book we are studying together, other tools and suggestions and links to get us there! I had never read the parable of the dogs but I immediately shared it with a friend God was telling me she needed it! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I’m glad you were able to help your friend by sharing the parable of the dogs with her. It’s a great word picture that helps us understand what we need to do to live a victorious life in Christ. Blessing to you!