#Snapit: My Favourite Place to Study

By the time you read this post, I will be flying across the country to Guelph, Ontario, in order to attend Write Canada. One of the prompts for this week’s blog hop with the Proverbs 31 crew was, “Share a picture of your favourite place to study or write.” This chair is situated in a corner of our dining room, between two windows. I usually come downstairs just after 5 a.m. to read my Bible, pray, and get some writing done before the rest of my family gets up for the day. This chair is my private sanctuary where I sit with my Bible, books like Limitless Life by Derwin L. Gray, and my iPad. It’s a place where I can turn on the light without disturbing anyone, and also easily walk into the kitchen to grab a cup of lemon water or Rooisbos tea.
When I read, I enjoy sharing what I’m learning by participating in these blog hops, posting pictures, and sharing on social media. Here’s a quote I highlighted in my book this week:
“Jesus is the living water; He alone gives us His life for our life…so that we can live the life we could never live …” #quote D.L. Gray click to tweet
I also like to sit in this same chair to write. My iPad allows me to write without the distracting bells and whistles (notifications) I have on my iMac computer. For more information on my works in progress, check out this post.
What about you? Where do you like to read, study, and or write?
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I love your chair!!! Looks so cozy!!! I have a green wingback chair in the corner that I read and study at!!!
Thanks, Kim
Sounds like we have similar “likes” 🙂
Thanks for sharing your spot with us. It sounds like a cozy place to have quiet God time in!
You’re welcome 🙂 Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.
Thanks for sharing your quiet time place…I too sit with my iPad…got the Kindle app so my study books are on it and the I have a separate Kindle reader….I’m 9 months pregnant waiting to deliver in less than two weeks. So I wake up at all hours during the night. Read the Word, memories verses, read my study book and I literally go through every single blog post. Not much to do when you have so much time…bless you as you continue in the Word!
Looks like we have the same little corner of the world. Our mornings sound very similar. It’s nice to see I’m not the only one with early morning quiet corners. <3
Praying that your early mornings will be encouraging and refreshing!
I wish I were more disciplined to get up in the morning, but I’m a night owl. (Apparently, since I’m commenting past midnight right now!)
We all need to accept who we are and work with that. Make time to meet with God when you are most alert, whether early in the morning or late at night 🙂