My Prayer for 2015

Happy New Year! As we step into 2015, here’s my prayer:
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the gift of a new year. Thank you that you know what each day will hold and You will guide us, strengthen us, and enable us.Help us to be still and know that You are God (Psalm 46:10).
Help us to listen for Your voice, instead of being distracted by the turbulence around us.
Help us to feed on Your Word so that we may serve from a full heart and mind.
Help us to cast our anxieties on You, knowing that You care for us (I Peter 5:7).
Help us to be obedient to Your calling on our lives, no matter how seemingly insignificant.
Help us to glorify You in all we think, do, and say.In Jesus Name,
Several days ago, I signed up for Kristen Ekstein’s Kindlein30 Challenge. Yesterday, I learned a new technique (from the challenge) called “Brain Dump”. Grab a piece of paper and a pen, set the timer for 10 minutes, and write down everything that comes to mind.
Kristen explained that often our creative ideas get “stuck” behind our to do lists and other things that are swirling in our brains. I tried it and this morning I was delighted with the ideas that spontaneously came. I now know what I want to focus on as a writer this year: a series of books that combine many of the topics I jotted down yesterday and showcase my photography while focusing people on Scripture. It’s so obvious now!
My first book will be 31 Days of Hope with pictures of winter beauty. I’m excited to get started. Stay tuned for further details!