Social Media Blog Hop Week 4 – Content of Posts

This week we are discussing these questions:
- What do you share?
- Where do you find content?
- Ratio of promotional/other
What do you share?
The content I share depends somewhat on the social media site where I’m posting:
Facebook Profile: Information I think would be interesting to my friends and family:
- Some of my activities
- Things that I’m celebrating
- Inspirational quotes
- Pictures
- Links to blog posts and other information I find helpful
Here’s a post from my timeline today:
Thankful for a successful trip to Edmonton yesterday. I played many different instruments, some several times. (For fun, I even tried out a $200,000 Steinway, a $240,000 Bosendorfer, and a $50,000 Petrof!) In the end, we came home with a digital piano from Don’s Piano Place in St. Albert. (The same place I bought my own Samick grand over 15 years ago.) Looking forward to using the instrument for many years to come smile emoticon
Facebook Page: Information I think would be interesting to acquaintances, readers, and other writers
- Links to helpful resources
- Humour
- Quotes
- Recipes (because I like to cook)
- Tidbits about me
- Information about my writing and products
Here’s a link to a recipe I shared recently with the comment, “When you want some chocolate.”
Twitter: Information I think would be interesting to acquaintances, readers, and other writers
- A daily quote graphic
- Links to helpful resources
- Comments about things happening in current events
- Pictures of book launches, book signings, etc.
- Tidbits about what I’m doing (These are very occasional, and quite general in nature, like “Just finished teaching music to 3 and 4 yr. olds. FUN!”)
Where do you find content?
Since I’m a writer, I tend to find content everywhere. I know that’s not very helpful to those who are looking for ideas, so here are some specific places I find good content:
- Twitter – I can type anything into the search bar and find interesting content in seconds.
- Facebook – When I enjoy something or find it helpful, I share it.
- Quote books – One I’m reading through right now is 1001 Ways to Leadership. When I find an especially helpful or thought-provoking quote, I use WordSwag to make a graphic to share, giving credit to the person I’m quoting.
- Books I’m reading – I read with a highlighter and pen, making notes in the margins. Learning is something I enjoy and share.
- Funny things that happen in my life.
- Other social media sites. Links are easy to share and help other people find information they want.
This post by Bethany has 50 content ideas for posts.
Ratio of promotional/other posts
I try to follow the 80/20 rule:
80 % of my posts are about other people, books, things I’m learning, recipes, etc.
20 % of my posts (maximum) are about my books, writing, etc.
I want social media to be about building relationships. When other people monopolize the conversation, I get bored and leave. The same is true on social media. If I want to build relationships, I need to focus the conversation on others. Here’s one of my favourite quotes:
“People don’t care what you know . . .
until they know how much you care!”
-Theodore Roosevelt
This is the last week in the Social Media Blog Hop. Please join in by adding your link below. Thanks for joining in the discussion!
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In a couple weeks we’ll start the next topic: Parenting!
- Week 1 What do you find most challenging about parenting? What helps you get through the tough days?(May 7)
- Week 2 What parenting tip would you give to new parents? (May 14)
- Week 3 Share a family tradition with us (June 10)
- Week 4 Share your favourite holiday destination and/or how you make long family trips more enjoyable (June 24)
If you’d like to join the Parenting Blog Hop, send me an email.

I like the 80/20 rule… I think that works well for social media. 🙂 I also vary what I post between my personal FB profile and my other social media platforms, which are more public. Thanks for hosting the hop!
You’re welcome, Bonnie!
Thanks for participating 🙂
This gives me some ideas. I post often to my personal site but it’s more difficult to figure out what to post on my pages. I need to be more consistent.
I’m glad you found this post helpful. I think we all struggle with being consistent, because we juggle so many things.
Thanks for joining this blog hop!