Social Media Blog Hop Week 4 – Content of Posts


Social Media Blog Hop

This week we are discussing these questions:

  • What do you share?
  • Where do you find content?
  • Ratio of promotional/other

What do you share?

The content I share depends somewhat on the social media site where I’m posting:

Facebook Profile: Information I think would be interesting to my friends and family:

  • Some of my activities
  • Things that I’m celebrating
  • Inspirational quotes
  • Pictures
  • Links to blog posts and other information I find helpful

Here’s a post from my timeline today:

Thankful for a successful trip to Edmonton yesterday. I played many different instruments, some several times. (For fun, I even tried out a $200,000 Steinway, a $240,000 Bosendorfer, and a $50,000 Petrof!) In the end, we came home with a digital piano from Don’s Piano Place in St. Albert. (The same place I bought my own Samick grand over 15 years ago.) Looking forward to using the instrument for many years to come smile emoticon

Facebook Page: Information I think would be interesting to acquaintances, readers, and other writers

  • Links to helpful resources
  • Humour
  • Quotes
  • Recipes (because I like to cook)
  • Tidbits about me
  • Information about my writing and products

Here’s a link to a recipe I shared recently with the comment, “When you want some chocolate.”

Twitter: Information I think would be interesting to acquaintances, readers, and other writers

  • A daily quote graphic
  • Links to helpful resources
  • Comments about things happening in current events
  • Pictures of book launches, book signings, etc.
  • Tidbits about what I’m doing (These are very occasional, and quite general in nature, like “Just finished teaching music to 3 and 4 yr. olds. FUN!”)


Where do you find content?

Since I’m a writer, I tend to find content everywhere. I know that’s not very helpful to those who are looking for ideas, so here are some specific places I find good content:

  1. Twitter – I can type anything into the search bar and find interesting content in seconds.
  2. Facebook – When I enjoy something or find it helpful, I share it.
  3. Quote books – One I’m reading through right now is 1001 Ways to Leadership. When I find an especially helpful or thought-provoking quote, I use WordSwag to make a graphic to share, giving credit to the person I’m quoting.
  4. Books I’m reading – I read with a highlighter and pen, making notes in the margins. Learning is something I enjoy and share.
  5. Funny things that happen in my life.
  6. Other social media sites. Links are easy to share and help other people find information they want.

This post by Bethany has 50 content ideas for posts.

Ratio of promotional/other posts

I try to follow the 80/20 rule:

80 % of my posts are about other people, books, things I’m learning, recipes, etc.

20 % of my posts (maximum) are about my books, writing, etc.

I want social media to be about building relationships. When other people monopolize the conversation, I get bored and leave. The same is true on social media. If I want to build relationships, I need to focus the conversation on others. Here’s one of my favourite quotes:

“People don’t care what you know . . .

until they know how much you care!”

-Theodore Roosevelt


This is the last week in the Social Media Blog Hop. Please join in by adding your link below. Thanks for joining in the discussion!

[inlinkz_linkup id=516833 mode=1]

In a couple weeks we’ll start the next topic: Parenting!

  • Week 1 What do you find most challenging about parenting? What helps you get through the tough days?(May 7)
  • Week 2 What parenting tip would you give to new parents? (May 14)
  • Week 3 Share a family tradition with us (June 10)
  • Week 4 Share your favourite holiday destination and/or how you make long family trips more enjoyable (June 24)

If you’d like to join the Parenting Blog Hop, send me an email.


  1. Bonnie Way on April 16, 2015 at 5:02 pm

    I like the 80/20 rule… I think that works well for social media. 🙂 I also vary what I post between my personal FB profile and my other social media platforms, which are more public. Thanks for hosting the hop!

  2. Ruth L Snyder on April 16, 2015 at 5:32 pm

    You’re welcome, Bonnie!

    Thanks for participating 🙂

  3. Christina on April 17, 2015 at 9:23 am

    This gives me some ideas. I post often to my personal site but it’s more difficult to figure out what to post on my pages. I need to be more consistent.

  4. Ruth L Snyder on April 17, 2015 at 7:18 pm

    I’m glad you found this post helpful. I think we all struggle with being consistent, because we juggle so many things.

    Thanks for joining this blog hop!


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