Update and future direction for ruthlsnyder.com

In January I shared my writing goals for 2015. I haven’t finished anything on that list! But I am still focusing on non-fiction, specifically the Author Social Media Mastery Series. After I finished Kindle in 30 with Kristen Eckstein, I decided to take the Author Audience Academy course with Shelley Hitz. I can’t say enough about this excellent course. The first month we focused on Publishing:
- Week 1 – Strategy
- Week 2 – Writing
- Week 3 – Publishing
- Week 4 – The Launch
I followed Shelley’s hints and helpful tips and my book, Learn Twitter: 10 Beginning Steps, is now available on Kindle!
This month we are focusing on Platform:
- Week 1 – The Foundation
- Week 2 – Author Website
- Week 3 – E-mail Marketing
- Week 4 – Social Media Marketing
Month Three will focus on products to accelerate our business.
While I’ve been taking this course I’ve also been:
- Writing guest blog posts for A Beautiful Life Ministry
- Writing blog posts for InScribe Writers Online
- Teaching a workshop (Author Media Kits) at three different workshops for InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship
- Overseeing the development of the InScribe Anthology
- Keeping the InScribe website updated (I’m thankful the webmaster is back now)
- Helping plan the InScribe Fall Conference
- Overseeing the work of InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship
In my non-writing life:
- Parenting our five children ages 7-17
- Teaching four Music for Young Children classes (and substitute teaching four classes for two weeks)
- Teaching private piano lessons to four students
- Hosting a piano recital for all my music students
- Playing piano for the Glendon Community Church
- Helping select a digital piano for the church (This was FUN! I had the opportunity to play pianos most of the day, including a $200,000 Steinway and a $240,000 Bosendorfer – concert grand pianos. Of course those instruments were WAY out of our budget.)
- Writing a grant application and doing other paperwork related to a playground project for the Glendon Playground and Park Society
Hmmm. No wonder I’ve been busy…and haven’t written too many blog posts for my own website!
As I’ve been working through the Author Audience Academy, I’ve been thinking about what I should be focusing on here on my website. What do I need to keep doing? What do I need to stop doing? What do I need to start doing?
That’s where you come in. I need some feedback from you, my readers. Which topics are you most interested in (Devotionals, Family life, Parenting, Writing, Twitter, Marketing, Publishing, Other)? How often would you like me to post? (I want to post consistently!) Any and all feedback is welcome! Please leave a comment below. Thanks 🙂