Summer Writing Fun: Compose Your Summer

Boy Pointing At Big Sisters Homework On Laptop

Summer arts camp in St. Paul, Alberta

Are you looking for interesting, inspiring programs for your children to participate in this summer? Check out the Compose Your Summer opportunity from the St. Paul (Alberta) and District Arts Foundation.

I’m looking forward to being one of the facilitators for this program. My part will be working with the three different age groups (5-8, 9-12, and 13-18 year-olds) and helping them learn about writing in a fun, active way. Each participant will have the opportunity to create a unique story setting using paint, crayons, pictures, or any other method he chooses. We will also explore characterization by dressing up in different clothing, trying different dialogue, learning about descriptive words, and discussing good/bad traits. Plot will come alive as we video, play with words, and give helpful suggestions to each other. Participants will also receive general writing tips, editing tips, and a sneak peek into publishing and marketing.

Any suggestions or questions? I hope you’ll join in the fun!

Register today.


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