Marketing Tips from Mark Leslie Lefebvre

I decided to take advantage of two last-minute additions to the workshops offered at Write Canada. Mark Leslie Lefebvre describes himself as a Writer, Bookseller, Book Nerd, POD & eBook Keener. He is the Director of Kobo Writing Life & Author Relations. Here are some of the tips he shared:
- Author involvement in marketing is required no matter which way you get your work published
- The goal of traditionally published authors is to earn an advance whereas the goal of self-published authors is to cover their costs
Tip #1 – Know Your audience
- What are your readers like?
- What problem will your book solve for your readers?
- Where are your readers hanging out?
Your goal should be to connect with your audience; to engage, not broadcast. Your focus should be on giving, providing value, sharing things that entertain, inform, and inspire.
Tip #2 – Think Long-term: Practice, Patience, Persistence
Rankings go up and down
- Comparison-itis gets in the way; Follow your own path
- “Define yourself as the big fish in a small pool.” (Quote from Robert J. Sawyer)
- In the self-publishing “Gold Rush” most people don’t make #1, but many make a moderate living
- Don’t forget you’re always “on stage”
- Focus on the next title
Tip #3 – Build a Basic Website
- Get your own URL
- Have a professional photo
- Share your bio
- Add links to your books and booksellers
- Blog on a regular basis
- Encourage people to sign up for your newsletter
Make it easy for people to follow and connect with you
Tip #4 – Blog to Connect with your audience
- Have fresh content available
- Provide value
- Embed your URL
- Auto-feed your blog into Facebook and Twitter
- Add a Twitter feed to your website
- Share what interests and intrigues you
- Use free tools like Youtube, Google, and podcasting
Check out the Kobo Writing Life Blog
Tip #5 – Send out an Author Newsletter
-Embed a signup form into your website
-Include your newsletter form link into the e-mail signature
-Share links to blog posts, podcasts, Youtube videos (any content you’ve created)
-Promise you’ll never spam anyone
-Be consistent (at least monthly)
Tip #6 – Social Media (e.g. Twitter)
-Make sure you have a current, professional headshot
-Check your bio and make sure it is interesting, informative, and up-to-date
-Less than 20% of your posts should be about your book
For more information:
Maximizing Your Sales at Kobo (Written by Mark)
Ebook Publishing on Kobo (Written by Joanna Penn)
WattPad is a great place to cultivate a team – it’s like Facebook for readers and writers.
Pricing Tips: Optimize your pricing for each country. (Round it up or down to the nearest dollar ninety-nine.) In the UK round the price down. In Europe, Australia, and New Zealand, round the price up.

Excellent tips
Thanks, Tracy 🙂