Put your armour on!

I Peter 5,8

In the physical realm, gravity is at work, whether we acknowledge it or not. In the spiritual realm, we are in a battle, whether we realize it or not. As a child I witnessed the power of witch doctors and their spells, the evil power that allows people to walk on coals with bare feet and not get burned, and the fear people have of angering a spirit or god. These are sample evidences of the reality of the great cosmic battle which is described in Scripture. Lucifer is described as the most beautiful of angels, and the most powerful. We are told he was not content with the role he was created for. He wanted to be God. So he rebelled, and God banished him and his followers from Heaven.

Throughout Scripture we see further evidence of the battle:

  • Satan telling Eve that God didn’t really mean what He said. Adam and Eve choosing to disobey. Sin entering the world (Genesis 3)
  • The story of Job which gives us a glimpse into discussions between God and Satan. God gives Satan permission to prove Job’s character. (Job 1)
  • Daniel, who prayed and fasted for three weeks and didn’t see results. He is informed that his prayers were heard on the first day, but the answer was delayed because, “the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days.” (Daniel 10)
  • Paul’s instruction to the Ephesians to put on “the whole armour of God.” (Ephesians 6:10-15)

In North America, I find that most people do not take spiritual warfare seriously. We are in a battle. It’s time to put our armour on and stand against Satan and his angels. Our weapons are truth, righteousness, the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, the Word of God, and prayer.

Are you armed and ready?

If you’d like more thoughts around the spiritual battle and our response to it, purchase my book Equipped!


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