My Life Coaching Pillars – Ruth L. Snyder


I’m in the middle of learning how to be a better coach. In September 2018 I took a leap of faith and signed up for the Beautiful You Coaching Academy’s Life Coaching Course. The course started at the beginning of February and will be done by July.

In this week’s lesson we discussed pillars that allow clients to achieve outstanding results.

I would like to share my pillars of life coaching:

  1. I believe that each person is unique, valuable, and worthy of my respect.
  2. I nurture and support my clients, building professional, but close connections with them.
  3. I encourage my clients to take action and reach their desired goals.
  4. I provide a safe place for my clients, with no topic being off-limits.
  5. I cheer my clients on, helping them believe that they can do anything they choose to do.
  6. I hold my clients accountable to reach their stated goals.
  7. I offer my clients extra support in a way that is meaningful to them.
  8. I cheer my clients on, giving them the freedom to explore and take risks.
  9. I listen to my clients and hold them to the highest standard of truth.
  10. I inspire my clients by setting a positive example for them to follow.
  11. I freely share resources, knowledge, and opinions with my clients.
  12. I help my clients connect emotionally to their goals, regularly asking how they feel about their goals.
  13. I support my clients as they overcome their fears and achieve success they never thought possible.

If you have feedback about my pillars, let me know. Are you interested in being coached? I look forward to hearing from you.


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