Introducing the Easter: Stories & More Blog Tour

Easter: Stories & More Blog Tour

Today I would like to introduce you to the Easter: Stories & More Blog Tour featuring some of the 40 Canadian Christian authors who contributed to the anthology. Easter: Stories & More will launch on Friday, March 26th at 6:30 pm MST, and may be purchased from the authors as well as through local bookstores and online vendors (Amazon, Kobo, Nook etc.). (Join in the Live Facebook Launch here for the opportunity to interact with authors, enjoy some content, and win prizes.)

I am delighted to be one of the authors of Easter: Stories & More. In “My Friend, My Saviour,” I enjoyed exploring the death and resurrection of Jesus from the perspective of Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus. Scripture gives us several glimpses into her interactions with Jesus:

  • Luke 10 (Jesus’ visit to the home of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus)
  • John 11 (Death and resurrection of Lazarus)
  • John 12 (Mary anoints Jesus’ feet with perfume)
  • John 20 (Jesus’ appearance to Mary after his resurrection)

Writing this piece made me reflect on what it may have been like for a Jewish woman to meet and get to know Jesus. What a privilege it was for individuals like Mary to know Jesus as a friend. I can only imagine how devastated she felt when Jesus did not come soon enough and her brother, Lazarus, died. Mary witnessed Jesus’ divine power as He raised her brother. How confusing then, to watch Jesus, who had saved her brother, die. Praise God the story did not end there! We have wonderful hope because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Each story in the creative non-fiction section of Easter: Stories & More presents the events of the passion of Christ Jesus from the perspective of a different biblical character. This is my favorite section of the book, as it helped me dig deeper into the events. I have come away with a new appreciation for Jesus’ love and the suffering He willingly endured to redeem mankind. I’m so thankful that Jesus is my friend and my Saviour!

Tomorrow make sure you pop over to Sally Meadow’s blog ( Come join us on the blog tour over the next couple of weeks.

Every day you can enjoy a new perspective from one of the authors of Easter: Stories & More.


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