Amazon Best-selling Author, Creativity Coach and Publisher

Ruth is on a mission, determined to help entrepreneurs, coaches, and other "knowledgepreneurs" get clients and build their community.
She guides entrepreneurs along the book writing journey, providing a framework and time-saving tips to help them get a quality book written, published, and into the hands of readers.
Ruth has shared her expertise on platforms like Thrive Global, Women in Publishing, Authority Magazine, The Write Coach, and Author Audience Academy. She guides people through practical steps that make writing a book an attainable goal.
She is dedicated to making sure her clients are in the 8 percent of people who successfully get their book written, published, and into the hands of eager readers.
Ruth’s clients write their book outline in a day. They go on to write their first draft in 30 days. In six months or less, powerful books are birthed and authors are holding their published books in their hands.
“Ruth makes the seemingly impossible feel attainable with her easy-to-follow steps.”

Bio (short)
Ruth L. Snyder is an International Speaker, Author, and writing coach on a mission, determined to help entrepreneurs, coaches, and other "knowledgepreneurs" get clients and build their supportive communities.
Her expertise has opened doors to work with Entrepreneurs in their book-writing journey, providing a framework and time-saving tips to help them get a quality book written, published, and into the hands of readers.
Ruth has shared her expertise on platforms like Thrive Global, Women in Publishing, Authority Magazine, The Write Coach, and Author Audience Academy. She guides people through practical steps that make writing a book an attainable goal.
She is a strong advocate in her community and spent several years serving as a school board trustee on the local public school board. Her passion clearly translated to change within her community as Ruth used her platform (including social media) to speak up and gain much-needed funding to build new schools in her community.
Ruth has served in many areas ranging from her work as a Legal Secretary to holding various roles in Christian leadership, teaching Music, and as a Speaker, Coach, and Workshop Leader. She has taught hundreds of writers as a workshop leader and conference speaker, and thousands of students as a Sunday school teacher as well as a counselor and speaker at several Bible camps.
She also enjoys speaking and sharing what she’s learning in her walk with God, as a parent of children with special needs, and as a writer and publisher.
In her spare time, Ruth enjoys reading, crafts, volunteering in her local community, photography, and travel. Several years ago, Ruth and her family traveled through 28 States in 30 days!
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