Family Priorities
For the next 11 days I’m participating in a challenge based on Tricia Goyer’s new book Balanced: Finding Center as a Work-at-Home Mom. (Her book is specifically written for those of us who are moms and writers, but the principles could be applied to other work-at-home options.) Each day I will be answering a question…
Read MoreSo many stories and so little time
I’m enjoying my interactions with fellow authors and readers on Helping Hands Thirsty Thursdays. (Check out Helping Hands Press Facebook Page for more details.) Last week the publisher announced a number of new releases. As the announcements were made, I responded by saying I was adding certain books to my reading list and made the…
Read MoreChristmas Is . . .
Last Sunday we were sitting in church with our five not-so-angels. As you mothers know, Sunday morning can turn from peaceful worship preparation to frantic survival mode in less than a second. This particular Sunday had more trigger points than usual: It was Christmas program day. Not only that, but it was also last minute…
Read MoreIs God Enough?
There are times in our lives when all of us ask, “Is God enough?” We live in a fallen, sinful world where bad things happen to good people. I’ve had a few experiences in my life which have shaken me and forced me to think about what I believe and why. Gifts from a loving…
Read MoreSaying Yes to God Every Morning
Lysa TerKeurst says, “…Satan hates the radically obedient soul. He hates it when a person jumps off the fence of complacency and into the center of God’s will. There is a spiritual battle raging around us and, because of that, life can be hard. While saying yes to God does bring blessing, it’s not easy.…
Read MoreTeen Issues: Dating, Courtship … OR?
Our eldest daughter is 15. Recently our discussions with her have centred around dating. We’ve had some good talks, but we haven’t come to an agreement on when we will allow her to start dating. Here are some questions we’ve been discussing: What is your definition of dating? What is the goal of dating? How…
Read MoreMy Take-aways from Breakforth 2013
This past weekend my husband and I had the incredible privilege of attending Break Forth 2013 in Edmonton. The first bonus was having a weekend away with my husband. The second bonus was being surrounded by 15,000 other people who love Jesus Christ and want to serve Him. On Friday I attended the Social Media…
Read MoreChoosing to Rejoice
I was rinsing dishes my youngest son was washing for the third time because he didn’t get them clean the first two times. In my mind I was reluctantly going over my “to do” list for the day—washing clothes, folding clothes, baking, cleaning, cooking …. The phone rang. It was Marie. She wanted to talk…
Read MoreJoys of Summer
Are you enjoying your summer? School ended on June 28th. On the 29th I took one of our sons for dental surgery. The surgery itself was fine, but the anesthesia took its toll. My son asked for a milk shake. While I was in the Wendy’s drive through he started groaning and whining. A few…
Read MoreWhat Kind of Legacy am I Leaving Behind?
Sometimes my mind makes strange connections. Today was one of those days. I was invited to attend a party and asked to bring two items wrapped in newspaper for a gift exchange. One of the items I picked to give away was a book about legacy. As I wrapped the book, I thought about the…
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