NAME Canada – Men and Women Resolve Conflict Differently

Bill & Pam Farrel shared some important reminders with us about resolving conflict with our spouse: Women tend to confront issues while men tend to bury issues Couples who can identify the real issues can grow closer Emotions follow decisions Decide AHEAD of time how you will deal with conflict! Hold hands when you argue!…

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Name Conference: Marriages that Last

Yesterday at church we celebrated two marriages which have stood the test of time. One couple has been married for 53 years. The other couple celebrated 63 years of marriage. Have you ever wondered why some marriages fail while others thrive? Here’s some more information that Bill and Pam Farrel shared about lasting marriages at…

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NAME Marriage Conference: Men and Women Relate Differently

The choice is always yours - conflict or connect. Quote from Bill and Pam Farrel

This past week, my husband and I had the opportunity to attend the NAME Marriage Conference in Edmonton. In the next few weeks I’ll be sharing some of the nuggets of wisdom that were shared at the conference. Bill and Pam Farrel shared with candor and humor. Their first session was about how we relate…

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