Posts Tagged ‘Cecile’s Christmas Miracle’
Celebrate my Birthday!
My brother spent several years in a country where they celebrate birthdays differently than we do in North America. The person who is having a birthday throws a party for his or her friends. I thought I would try that this year. [tweet_box design=”default” float=”none”]To celebrate my 50th birthday, I am inviting you to a…
Read MoreFree Christmas Short Story!
This month I would like to give you a Christmas short story called Hope for Jimmy. All you need to do to receive this story is fill in the form below with your name, e-mail address, and tell me what you’d like me to blog about in the coming year. I hope this story…
Read MoreTips on Becoming a Better Writer shared by Glynis Belec
In my last post, I shared that I was getting ready for our InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship Fall Conference. It was great to reconnect with writer friends and meet some new writers as well. Last week I shared a summary of the conference on the InScribe Writers Online blog. Today I’d like to share some…
Read More5 Ways to Effectively Market your Book
For the past several weeks I’ve had the opportunity to learn more about book marketing from many different authors. Dvorah Lansky put together The Book Marketing Challenge with a diverse cast of authors who took turns sharing marketing ideas that have worked for them. Some of the strategies I knew about, but having access to…
Read MoreBlog Tour for the Kathi Macias 12 Days of Christmas
In preparation for the official launch of the Kathi Macias 12 Days of Christmas paperback on Thursday, May 29th, many of the 12 authors are participating in a blog tour. I invite you to come along as we get to know other authors who participated in the collection. Here is the blog tour schedule, along…
Read MoreMy Writing Goals for 2014
NOTE: Writers: please click on the button above to share your blog link and participate in the blog hop. Readers: please click on the button to go to other writers’ blogs. They will be sharing posts along the same theme as this one. “Write. Start writing today. Start writing right now. Don’t write it right, just…
Read MoreAnnouncing: Cecile’s Christmas Miracle
Today is the day Cecile’s Christmas Miracle becomes available! You can download your copy from: Kobo Barnes & Noble At this point, the story is only available in e-book format. Keep your eyes and ears open for releases in print format in 2014. Synopsis: It’s Christmas time, but Cecile is surrounded by heat,…
Read MoreThe Essence of Christmas
Writers are challenged to condense each story down to a one or two sentence tag line. What would be your “tagline” for Christmas? In other words, what does Christmas mean to you? If the pretty lights, snow, times with family and friends, baking, tasty treats, and frantic shopping disappeared, would it still be Christmas? This…
Read MoreBehind the Scenes – Cecile’s Christmas Miracle
In August 2013 I was invited to write a story for the Kathi Macias 12 Days of Christmas Series which is being published by Helping Hands Press. This story started over a year ago when I wrote a 1,000 word entry for a Fiction in Five contest. The prompt I received was: “Living in the…
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