Posts Tagged ‘children’
Sneak Peek into what I’m teaching at a Writing Camp for Kids
This week I’m combining my love of writing and teaching through play to facilitate a writing camp for kids in St. Paul, Alberta. The St. Paul & District Arts Foundation is offering Compose Your Summer, four days of literature and dance. Miss Heather is facilitating the dance and I’ll facilitate the writing portion. Here are…
Read MoreLessons in Trust and Technology
Sometimes I just have to laugh. (I’d rather laugh than cry, wouldn’t you?!) After I posted last time, I ran into major technology issues. It all started quite innocently, with the addition of a new e-mail address. After the creation of the e-mail address, I wanted to add it to my e-mail program so…
Read MoreFree Christmas Short Story!
This month I would like to give you a Christmas short story called Hope for Jimmy. All you need to do to receive this story is fill in the form below with your name, e-mail address, and tell me what you’d like me to blog about in the coming year. I hope this story…
Read MoreParenting Checklist: Clean Your Room
I don’t know about you, but getting my children to clean their rooms AND understand when they are clean has been a challenge. Today I went looking for a checklist I could use with my children. I found one I liked at, but it didn’t have everything I wanted and there were no graphics.…
Read MoreUplifting Devotionals – One of my current projects
One of my current projects is collaborating with some other Canadian authors to produce a devotional book. The Uplifting Devotional series is being published by Helping Hands Press. Each month a new devotional is being released. My part in the project is to submit 10 devotionals, each 500 words in length. I’ve decided my theme…
Read MoreSharing stories with our children
This week in our Proverbs 31 online Bible study, I especially appreciated Lysa Terkeurst’s questions and suggestions at the end of Chapter 24: Do They See Jesus in Me? Here’s a summary for your benefit: Think back over your life and pinpoint some specific moments that made your heart leap for joy. Write them down,…
Read MoreWisely making use of every opportunity
“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.” Ephesians 5:15-17 This last week I had two friends ask me the same question in different ways: “Give me an…
Read More4 Ways I’m Involving my Family in my Writing
Today our Balanced Challenge is: “How can you get your kids involved in what you’re working on? How can they experience what your job is like and contribute to it? This was a good question for me to think about. Often when I think about my writing, I don’t take the time to think about…
Read MoreFamily Priorities
For the next 11 days I’m participating in a challenge based on Tricia Goyer’s new book Balanced: Finding Center as a Work-at-Home Mom. (Her book is specifically written for those of us who are moms and writers, but the principles could be applied to other work-at-home options.) Each day I will be answering a question…
Read MoreGuest Post – How Veggie Tales Inspired a Biblical Novella
Today I’m featuring a guest post by author Amber Schamel. Amber Schamel is a multi-published author of Christian Historical Fiction. Her passion for history and culture has led her to travel extensively throughout the United States, Europe, and the Holy Land. Amber is actively involved in her church and enjoys volunteer work and music ministry. …
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