Advice to Beginning Writers

Dear Beginning Writer, It wasn’t too long ago that I stood in your shoes. Although I’ve been an avid reader who enjoyed writing for most of my life, I never considered myself a writer until after I attended my first writers’ conference. The best way for me to share advice with you is to tell…

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5 Steps to Creating a Button for your Blog Hop

A few weeks ago I said I would teach you how to create a button for your blog hop. Create a graphic: I used The Logo Creator software to create mine, but you can use any software which allows you to specify the size of your graphic using pixels. After experimenting a bit, I figured…

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10 Writing Tools I Use

Although there are many writers who insist that writing longhand helps them with the creative process, I’m not one of them. I prefer to “write” at a keyboard. Here are some of the tools I use in my writing: 1. My iPad – My iMac has too many bells and whistles that distract me while…

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10 Steps to successfully hosting a blog hop

If you’ve thought about hosting a blog hop, but don’t know how, this post is for you. Blog hops are a great way to network and increase the traffic to your blog. 1. Pick your audience – Think about the audience you want to invite to your own blog. What do you write about? Who…

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Announcing: Cecile’s Christmas Miracle

Today is the day Cecile’s Christmas Miracle becomes available! You can download your copy from: Kobo Barnes & Noble At this point, the story is only available in e-book format. Keep your eyes and ears open for releases in print format in 2014. Synopsis: It’s Christmas time, but Cecile is surrounded by heat,…

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4 Ways to Repurpose Content as a Writer

Recently I was able to participate in the online eBook Publishing Boot Camp organized by D’vorah Lansky. I shared my personal response to the boot camp on the InScribe Writers Online blog. Some information from the first session is included on the InScribe blog. The second session, eBook Editing for Maximum Profits, was presented by…

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Lynn Dove Launches Love the Wounded

Lynn Dove is launching her new book, Love the Wounded, October 30th. Love the Wounded is the final and dramatic conclusion to her brilliant Wounded Trilogy series that has followed the lives of teenagers Jake, Leigh, Mike, Dylan and Tim as they come to terms with a series of tragedies and events that have made…

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