Posts Tagged ‘prayer’
Are You Equipped for Spiritual Warfare?
Are you equipped for spiritual warfare? Prayer is one way to prepare. Have you ever wondered how to ask people to pray for you? If you are a Christian and an author and/or an entrepreneur, you should be asking people to pray for you. Here are 5 prayer requests I have: 1. Pray for Spiritual…
Read MorePsalm 46:10 – Be still
Every night we have a story time and prayer with our children before bed. For the past few years, we’ve been reading missionary biographies together, mostly from the Christian Heroes Then & Now series. Currently we are reading Brother Andrew: God’s Secret Agent by Janet & Geoff Benge. A description of a particular prayer meeting Brother Andrew…
Read MoreWhy every writer needs to find his community
In my last post, I shared thoughts about what community means to me. Today I want to take that a step farther and talk about why every writer needs a community. Writing is a solitary activity, one we do in any number of places, but always alone. Writers need to shut out the rest of…
Read MoreOn the Battlefield: Ready or not
As a child playing Hide and Seek, I remember closing my eyes, counting, and then yelling out, “Here I come, ready or not!” We as Christians are in a spiritual battle, ready or not. “Spiritual warfare is very real. There is a furious, fierce, and ferocious battle raging in the realm of the spirit between…
Read More3 simple steps to combat the flesh and feed the spirit
In our Proverbs 31 online Bible study of Wendy Blight’s book, Living So That, we are learning many practical things about growing closer to God. For the blog hop this week, we could choose one of four topics. I’m choosing to share how we can combat the flesh and feed the spirit. If you haven’t…
Read MoreA Call to Prayer for InScribe
This morning I was planning to write a post sharing some practical tips on getting writing done. However, God redirected me. For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been working my way through a Proverbs 31 Online Bible Study using Wendy Blight’s book, Living So That. This week we are focusing on prayer. At the…
Read MoreChocolate Soldiers or Soldiers of the Cross?
This week Christians are celebrating the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. These events that happened thousands of years ago still have an incredible impact on our world. Jesus died so that every person who repents of his or her sin and asks for salvation is able to receive it. Jesus conquered the power…
Read MoreWhat does it mean to be a Christian writer?
During a recent interview I was asked: “Comment on what it means to be a ‘Christian writer’” How would you answer this question? Here’s my response: A Christian writer is a person who communicates from a worldview centred on God as He is presented in the Bible. The key components of being a Christian writer,…
Read MoreSorting through the time crunch
Today’s assignment in the Balanced Challenge is one that I know I’ll have to keep coming back to. I don’t know about you, but for me it’s often a challenge to figure out how I’m going to make the best use of each 24 hour segment God gives me. There just isn’t enough time to…
Read MoreGod’s Calling on my life
“The Spirit of the Lord and King is on me. The Lord has anointed me to tell the good news to poor people. He has sent me to comfort those whose hearts have been broken. He has sent me to announce freedom for those who have been captured. He wants me to set prisoners free…
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