Celebrate my Birthday!

My brother spent several years in a country where they celebrate birthdays differently than we do in North America. The person who is having a birthday throws a party for his or her friends. I thought I would try that this year. [tweet_box design=”default” float=”none”]To celebrate my 50th birthday, I am inviting you to a…

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10-Day Social Media Challenge

Try out my 10-Day Social Media Challenge to build networks and increase engagement.

What’s more important than Google when it comes to driving traffic to your website, sales pages, and affiliate offers? If you said social media, you’re right. With billions of loyal users, social media sites like Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram are now credited with more than 30% of all website traffic, according to a study…

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Social Media Blog Hop Week 3: Scheduling Posts

The two ways I schedule posts to social media are with a WordPress plugin called Social Time Master (to share blog posts) and with Hootsuite (to share basically everything except personal blog posts). You’ll want to check out Hootsuite’s resource area to learn how to use it most effectively. Scheduling posts is something I resisted for a long…

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My Favourite Social Media Site

Facebook is where I spend most of my time on social media. I have a personal profile and author page, belong to many groups, and also administer pages for Glendon Playground and Park Society as well as InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship. I appreciate the following benefits of Facebook: 1. My personal profile allows a connection…

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Experimenting with Word Swag

Optimist Quote

I find learning fascinating. Not just what we learn, but how we learn, and the incidental learning that happens. Serendipity, if you will. Yesterday I attended a webinar on how to use Pinterest effectively. As I was listening, I received a notification that I had a new e-mail from the Social Media Examiner on How…

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#Snapit: My Favourite Place to Study

By the time you read this post, I will be flying across the country to Guelph, Ontario, in order to attend Write Canada. One of the prompts for this week’s blog hop with the Proverbs 31 crew was, “Share a picture of your favourite place to study or write.” This chair is situated in a…

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7 Keys to Hosting a Successful Twitter Chat

Twitter chats are online, public conversations that take place on Twitter at designated times around a unique hashtag like #ReaderWriterChat. Twitter chats are a great way to learn, engage with your followers, grow your community, and network. How do you host a successful Twitter Chat? 1. Choose a unique hashtag. There are many Twitter chats…

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Sorting through the time crunch

Today’s assignment in the Balanced Challenge is one that I know I’ll have to keep coming back to. I don’t know about you, but for me it’s often a challenge to figure out how I’m going to make the best use of each 24 hour segment God gives me. There just isn’t enough time to…

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So many stories and so little time

I’m enjoying my interactions with fellow authors and readers on Helping Hands Thirsty Thursdays. (Check out Helping Hands Press Facebook Page for more details.) Last week the publisher announced a number of new releases. As the announcements were made, I responded by saying I was adding certain books to my reading list and made the…

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Advice to Beginning Writers

Dear Beginning Writer, It wasn’t too long ago that I stood in your shoes. Although I’ve been an avid reader who enjoyed writing for most of my life, I never considered myself a writer until after I attended my first writers’ conference. The best way for me to share advice with you is to tell…

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