Posts Tagged ‘special needs’
Parenting Checklist: Clean Your Room
I don’t know about you, but getting my children to clean their rooms AND understand when they are clean has been a challenge. Today I went looking for a checklist I could use with my children. I found one I liked at, but it didn’t have everything I wanted and there were no graphics.…
Read MoreChristmas Is . . .
Last Sunday we were sitting in church with our five not-so-angels. As you mothers know, Sunday morning can turn from peaceful worship preparation to frantic survival mode in less than a second. This particular Sunday had more trigger points than usual: It was Christmas program day. Not only that, but it was also last minute…
Read MoreIs God Enough?
There are times in our lives when all of us ask, “Is God enough?” We live in a fallen, sinful world where bad things happen to good people. I’ve had a few experiences in my life which have shaken me and forced me to think about what I believe and why. Gifts from a loving…
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