Sneak Peek into what I’m teaching at a Writing Camp for Kids

This week I’m combining my love of writing and teaching through play to facilitate a writing camp for kids in St. Paul, Alberta. The St. Paul & District Arts Foundation is offering Compose Your Summer, four days of literature and dance. Miss Heather is facilitating the dance and I’ll facilitate the writing portion. Here are…

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Parenting Checklist: Clean Your Room

I don’t know about you, but getting my children to clean their rooms AND understand when they are clean has been a challenge. Today I went looking for a checklist I could use with my children. I found one I liked at, but it didn’t have everything I wanted and there were no graphics.…

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New Release: Uplifting Devotionals for Parents

I’m happy to announce that Uplifting Devotionals for Parents is now available as an e-book. Have you ever wanted to resign from parenting? The responsibility is overwhelming some days. Thankfully, we don’t have to parent in our own strength. God walks with us each day, strengthening us, guiding us, and giving us wisdom – if…

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Sorting through the time crunch

Today’s assignment in the Balanced Challenge is one that I know I’ll have to keep coming back to. I don’t know about you, but for me it’s often a challenge to figure out how I’m going to make the best use of each 24 hour segment God gives me. There just isn’t enough time to…

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4 Ways I’m Involving my Family in my Writing

Today our Balanced Challenge is: “How can you get your kids involved in what you’re working on? How can they experience what your job is like and contribute to it? This was a good question for me to think about. Often when I think about my writing, I don’t take the time to think about…

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Family Priorities

For the next 11 days I’m participating in a challenge based on Tricia Goyer’s new book Balanced: Finding Center as a Work-at-Home Mom. (Her book is specifically written for those of us who are moms and writers, but the principles could be applied to other work-at-home options.) Each day I will be answering a question…

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Joys of Summer

Are you enjoying your summer? School ended on June 28th. On the 29th I took one of our sons for dental surgery. The surgery itself was fine, but the anesthesia took its toll. My son asked for a milk shake. While I was in the Wendy’s drive through he started groaning and whining. A few…

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Painting Lessons

It seems like lately every time I ask my three-year-old what she wants to do, her reply is, “Let’s paint!” Today was no exception. First we tried out finger paints. She was OK with dipping her fingers into the pots and dabbing the paint onto the paper. However, when I suggested she put paint on…

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