Let’s discuss five steps to getting your book published. Now, as you probably realize, this is a very general overview of the process because publishing is not simple. It takes many steps to get there. We will dive into more specifics in upcoming blog posts. Which step of the publishing process are you currently working on? (Share in the comments below!) If you want to save yourself some time and money, schedule a free 30-minute consultation with me.
Continue Reading...If you are an entrepreneur, author, and/or blogger, you won’t want to miss this! The last few years have been tough. Many of us have realized the importance of creating additional income streams for ourselves, our businesses, and our families. We are learning how to pivot, to be ready for any changes that can come…
Continue Reading...I want to tell you about a great deal for writers! Ultimate Bundles has put together a fantastic deal that is only available through Wednesday, June 15, 2022. My new course Twitter Spaces for Authors is only one of the many courses available in this bundle. You are able to access over $4,000 of materials…
Continue Reading...My first encounter with Twitter was in June 2009, shortly after I attended my first writer’s conference. At the time I had 5 children ages 1 – 11 and a fellow writer encouraged me to try using Twitter as a mini-blog. Learning how to use Twitter effectively was fun. I thought it was that way…
Continue Reading...You’re invited to participate in an anthology on one of the following topics: entrepreneurship, parenting children with special needs, adoption, overcoming trauma, standing firm in your faith.
Continue Reading...There are many different ways to reach your audience. Today we are going to look at 5 different ways you can reach out to your audience. Remember that people buy from those they know, like, and trust. Marketing is all about building good relationships with people. Let’s take a look at the first way to…
Continue Reading...Are you clear about what expertise you bring to your book topic? It’s important to have clarity on your expertise and unique contributions so that you can stand out in our noisy marketplace. Did you know that there are over 4 million books published every year? The average author only sells 200 copies of their…
Continue Reading...Follow the Gifts of Good Words Blog Hop taking place from November 4-18, 2020 and find quality Canadian Christian books for those on your Christmas list.
Continue Reading...I’m in the middle of learning how to be a better coach. In September 2018 I took a leap of faith and signed up for the Beautiful You Coaching Academy’s Life Coaching Course. The course started at the beginning of February and will be done by July. In this week’s lesson we discussed pillars that…
Continue Reading...During a recent interview I was asked: “Comment on what it means to be a ‘Christian writer’” How would you answer this question? Here’s my response: A Christian writer is a person who communicates from a worldview centred on God as He is presented in the Bible. The key components of being a Christian writer,…
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